established seven communities referred to as dorfs. The translation of dorf is village, however,
the Schoharie dorfs were hardly that.
With no infrastructure such as stores, mills or Churches, these
communities were merely groupings of family farms. They relied upon Schenectady and Albany for
supplies and mills. Religious practices
were held in farmhouses and barns.
the Listmaters, who had established themselves as leaders early in the journey,
the Palatines named their small communities after them; Kneskerndorf,
Gerlachsdorf, Fuchsendorf, Schmidtsdorf, Weiserdorf (also known as
Brunnendorf), Hartmannsdorf and Oberweiserdorf.
Giving names to their settlements was a big step for a group of people
who had been migrants for four years.
German” by Phillip Otterness